Hello,peepo!It's time for some serious update!! my blog is so dead! So sorry for those reader who ask me why i din update my blog!
*미안합니다. (Mi-an-hap-ni-da) Cause IAMsoLAZY!!!
Finally I have time to blog cause it's School Holiday!!! but the next exam is coming after this school holiday *big big sigh!I need to study for this freakin two weeks holiday! but I have a 5day trip to BKK! yep yep! can't wait man.lol

I am a
drama maniac especially Korean drama! so so so into
K-drama*love love love! Why korean always look so damn perfect!Plastic? So what! I'd like to buy a perfect nose and figure for myself if i can!lol :D

Gain so much weight recently!A vry serious one! It's time for some serious DIET PLAN.said this for like 1000000000 time but succeeded only once! lost tht effing 8k-gees till now n I gain half of it back!FML T.T

Oh-ya! another thing is I have to wear spec already!you know why?cause my vision become
blurer & blurerT^T sob sob*
(forgive me I am talking nonsense.lol XD)

I get myself a
EmporioArmani frame,in a reasonable price
DONE WITH MY BLOG POST! Goodnight peepo!!LOVEYOUPEEP!! Chu~~♥♥