Sunday, January 16, 2011


A short short post as I am free now.When Sg on 110111 as my Bro gf is going back to indonesia so we family fetch her to Changi Airport tht morning.Off to Sg at 7 am.So effing early right? but good still, avoid annoying Jam!!!

I seldom wear lens I think it is not comfortable.BTW,this lens is from my elder bro n her gf.Heart it much.Thankieww :))
many ppl say I look fierce with lens.Hmmm,Do I?

Skip the airport

When bugis junction afterthat.Papa drop me my younger sis n mama there.SHOPPING!!But din buy anything.Cause mama dislike Bugis street.So, me n my younger sis is bored till death in bugis junction :(

Lunch time:-

Pepper lunch is still the best.Nom nom nom
I think bugis junction food court pepper lunch is cheaper lehh.Do you guys agree??
Then when dessert at a random shop.My hair is effing dry.Hate it to the max.GrrrrThis is mine.Yummy!! rate it with 3stars :D
This look so yummy right? But no!!! taste sucks.Booooo!!

My papa bought an Ipad so sudden,maybe he strike 4D or

That's all readers.end here
Stay tunned then.LOVEYOUPEEPS.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

最近很有打華文文章的mood 哈哈 開學已經一個禮拜了 感覺很好開學愉快 而且跟姐妹們還同班 感動:D 謝謝為我打氣的讀者們 只是最近痘痘弄到我很煩惱 應該是因為開學吧 壓力痘+沒時間保養 (嘆氣) 
摁 我答應自己一定要在華人新年前 把皮膚搞好 我要好肌膚 

最近學到了 對付黑白頭的方法 還有讓睫毛能翹得更持久的方法 有興趣就留言吧 有時間我會Po上來 *咳咳
之前跟Enzo網購的化妝包終於到了 但是有點失望的是 我訂購的是粉紅色的結果到了是紫色的 啊哈 可是沒關係啦 還是很喜歡 ♥
我很喜歡這兩個化妝包的拉鍊 很可愛
上面的蝴蝶結也很吸引我 lol

還有多一個就是ChannelBase媽媽朋友給的 很好 賺到了 今天的文章好炫耀 不好意思啦哈哈

然後最後要講的是 我很怕減肥失敗 在學校吃好多好多 而且重點食物都很好吃 要忍也很難 現在每天都好忙補習溫習只安排到星期三有空做運動 在家跑跑步機 我一定要瘦最少2公斤 祝我成功 (淚)

晚安各位 我要訓練每天睡美容覺別再熬夜 抗痘