Heyyy,readers! Finally am here to blog, so sorry to those readers that keep on reminding me to update my blog huh! I am so lazy to update my blog!As I am currently addicted to Instagram so I just post wadever photo there.
Easy & Convenient. I grab a few photo from there to blog
*evil laughSo,I am gonna show you peeps how I did my bling bling nails.It's real easy! ain't kidding! xD

And this is what you need:-
From the left:- Bling bling nail polish from
THE FACE SHOP, Nude nail polish from
SKINFOOD and Top coat from
First, apply
base coat! But am lazy to apply so skip skip skip!!!
lol =p Then,apply the
nude color nail polish.
In love with this color!! You can try out something like this too!! ;D

Second,apply the
bling bling thingy on top of your nails.

And the last step! apply
Base coat on your nails and you're DONE
But usually I apply
2x times base coat on my nails to make it look more gelish! you guys can refer to the pic above it really make different,right?!! But it looks more obvious in real life :D

Actually I apply polka pink nails instead of blingy nails this CNY!
I lied!!! D; lol. But no worries! I can blog about polka nails too if u guys are intersted! ♥