i miss all of u in smk tmn molek.
I miss my besties♥Elsa n i really do=*[.
- I miss her
when we gossip around - play together
- talkin bout how to be more beautiful
- talkin bout boys
- talkin bout nonsense
- doesn't eat while recess saving money for outing ,n diet as well=]
- talkin bout bloggers
- talkin bout pretty chicks.
i miss this lot n lot=[
i miss Miki who makes me laugh out loud in class.
i miss Miki who makes me laugh out loud in class.
- I miss when we're sleepin in class
- i miss we goin to toilet everytime
- i miss we singing loud in class
- i miss we go around the school when we dunlike to stay in the class
- did not pay attention in class day-dreaming all the time.
i miss u guys,baby=[
I've been transfer to a new school.my new school uniform.
Duh!jus ignore my damn fat leg.
A new life in 2010.♥
I think it will be good for my better future here,n not playing around like the past.I swear i will work more harder in dis school.
i did not have much friend here.
maybe i did look like anti-social or anything like that=[
haha.I'm in form4B
n i dunno why i m in the 2nd class.my result oni 2A's n the rest c's .
Darn,dis make me feel stress.
But i really do pay attention while in class although sumtimes i cant understand.teehee=D
Maybe i can do it.
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