Sunday, January 31, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Oh,Happy Day♥
Shopping with my family.
Reach there only i realized that Miki n NiNi had a dance performance today.
Saw all of them rite there.

Shopping with my family.
Reach there only i realized that Miki n NiNi had a dance performance today.
Saw all of them rite there.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Baby is Back!!!♥
i'm Happy that i had receive B SMS.=]
she makes me jealous,sry girl.
someone tht u dislike,i keep a distance from him.
how bout u B?
Monday, January 25, 2010
Baby not around me.♥
.BB will be Back tomorrow,woohoo.!!!♥
Sleep early tht time go faster=]
menstrual pain strikes me to Hell!!!
damn it.cant concentrate in class!
i miss u.i miss u.i miss u.
B called me at 8.06 just now.thx for the present B.
i will like it vry much=]
2morrow his flight is at around 11 to 12pm sumthing.
reach "KLIA" i think is bout 4 to 5pm
1 more day left.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Baby not around me.♥
Sooo i take ysterday foto=]
Nth speacial today.Bz doin my homework.
it's tough, i cant solve my add maths work sheet.
Shitty lil homework.
2more days .
BB cumin back.
Baby cum back to me~♥
Baby not around me.♥
lil Baby b'day today
Happy B'day To Carlyn.♥
I adore Strawberry Yogurt.BB like this too.
we can share,i dun mind=P
we can share,i dun mind=P

My phone become .Bling-Bling. now
Yea!♥ SURPRISE is comin.
Yea!♥ SURPRISE is comin.
baby call me at 10.09pm today in different number.
tellin me that they lose the match.dun be sad B.
U're always the best=]
Baby cumin back soon.
miss u miss u=*[
3more days left.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Baby not around me.♥
Day Two♥22nd.jan.2010

It's getting late.
We go take sticker photo after this.yea baby.♥
My eyes looks Black.
afterthat I go pick present for my B.teehee=D
I hope u like it.
Say cheese.♥
Shop-shop-shop at junk sale.
buy nth=*(
Went Roost to hv our Dinner.
it's Starving.
Uwh...Too many customer,so the food serve Soooooo bloody Late.

Yummm..I'm Hungry.
Beef Noodle & cooling ice peach tea..yummy.

My phone rang n the number pop out"+852637164xx"
Huh?who's that?
it's m Baby callin me from HongKong=]
thanks for calling me B.i miss u so much.
3 more days to go..owh=[
Mwaks ~♥

I Love u guys, Baby!!.♥
Can't wait for the next junkies Party!!

HangOut with my Baby.♥ yesterday.
Reach there bout 6sumthing.
We were all late for our date=P
Camwhoring at the Washroom quite some time.

It's getting late.
We go take sticker photo after this.yea baby.♥
My eyes looks Black.

I hope u like it.
Say cheese.♥

buy nth=*(
Went Roost to hv our Dinner.
it's Starving.
Uwh...Too many customer,so the food serve Soooooo bloody Late.

Yummm..I'm Hungry.
Beef Noodle & cooling ice peach tea..yummy.

My phone rang n the number pop out"+852637164xx"
Huh?who's that?
it's m Baby callin me from HongKong=]
thanks for calling me B.i miss u so much.
3 more days to go..owh=[
Mwaks ~♥

Abigale is her name. it's my pleasure to hv a photo wif u=]

I Love u guys, Baby!!.♥
Can't wait for the next junkies Party!!
i miss my baby so much.
*hush hush*
Friday, January 22, 2010
Baby not around me.♥
Baby when to HongKong edi=[
His flight is 4pm .So we lost contact around 3 to 4 sumthing.
Owh~Nobody accompany me=*(
then tuition till 7.30pm
HOME ALONE afterthat
B cant accompany me..miss him so much.
then i started my EXERCISE=]
burn up all the fats..Wohoo♥.♥.♥
received MSG from B♥sis ms.nini,
tellin tht B had reach HongKong edi.
BB, Take Good care of yourself.
Miss you
Day 2 is comin up next=]
Baby when to HongKong edi=[
His flight is 4pm .So we lost contact around 3 to 4 sumthing.
Owh~Nobody accompany me=*(
then tuition till 7.30pm
HOME ALONE afterthat
B cant accompany me..miss him so much.
then i started my EXERCISE=]
burn up all the fats..Wohoo♥.♥.♥
received MSG from B♥sis ms.nini,
tellin tht B had reach HongKong edi.
BB, Take Good care of yourself.
Miss you
Day 2 is comin up next=]
Friday, January 8, 2010

Everybody is changing,but i'm still the same.
I wanna be more pretty in 2010.
I wanna have:-
♥ ♥ ♥
- flawless skin.
- soft,smooth,straight,long hair.
- slim body.
- good result.
- grow a bit more taller.
- more confidence in myself.
- long legs
- fair skin.
I wanna get-rid of:-
♥ ♥ ♥
- my bloody-red acne
- my frizzy & fuzzy hair..eww dis irritate me.
- gaining weight.
- food. Darn,but my school food is too tasty.
- my lousy result.
- my short fat legs
New school-life.♥
i miss all of u in smk tmn molek.
I miss my besties♥Elsa n i really do=*[.
- I miss her
when we gossip around - play together
- talkin bout how to be more beautiful
- talkin bout boys
- talkin bout nonsense
- doesn't eat while recess saving money for outing ,n diet as well=]
- talkin bout bloggers
- talkin bout pretty chicks.
i miss this lot n lot=[
i miss Miki who makes me laugh out loud in class.
i miss Miki who makes me laugh out loud in class.
- I miss when we're sleepin in class
- i miss we goin to toilet everytime
- i miss we singing loud in class
- i miss we go around the school when we dunlike to stay in the class
- did not pay attention in class day-dreaming all the time.
i miss u guys,baby=[
I've been transfer to a new new school uniform.
Duh!jus ignore my damn fat leg.
A new life in 2010.♥
I think it will be good for my better future here,n not playing around like the past.I swear i will work more harder in dis school.
i did not have much friend here.
maybe i did look like anti-social or anything like that=[
haha.I'm in form4B
n i dunno why i m in the 2nd result oni 2A's n the rest c's .
Darn,dis make me feel stress.
But i really do pay attention while in class although sumtimes i cant understand.teehee=D
Maybe i can do it.
2nd Month
I miss my Baby =*[
BB,had a beautiful nightmare.cause of me=]
makes me feel so sweet.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Oh baby,我想问的心到底在不在.还是旧情人最美.
我想要你做我最亲密的亲人 不是谁的情人 谁的某某某
我不会再跟你闹了.我会乖.我爱成全. 我只是偶尔泪流不停而已
i will be okay=D
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