Nov27 hang out with Ling♥and this was like a super rush date.She called and date me on the morning and since my bro willing to fetch me over to
C.Square.So, i dolled out myself and off. *woots woots Girls will always start from
shopping after getting all we want and then
Nah this is the machine we take and i am super in love with this machine. First time taking this machine and i think it is quite chio.
You can edit urself with contact lenses and even dye your hair.
*hiak hiak 
it's so girlish right?
me likey me likey♥ ♥ ♥

Then,camwhore time:-

we even camwhore in Reject Shop.

Ling whats wrong with your bangs .lol

Check out with our blog *teehee
Please don't compare my Samsung Galaxy 5 with an Ipod touch D:

Then,when starbuck try on our nail polish.And we help each other to apply the nail polish

And check out my great skill.Sorry Ling i like to show lol lol
left-(Ling nail by Lora) right-(Lora nail by Ling) know what i mean.Sorry ;(

I just done my manicure by myself after the outing and me likey ♥
I will blog about my nails soon.So, stay tunned readers