Ooopss!!!readers i forgot about
Day 5,remember i blog about Day4 and wanted you guys to stay tunned for the last day but FYI there is one more blog post.I totally forget about Day
Well,stop the craps Let's blog about Day 5 :)

Look at the breakfast prepared by my Papa ♥

We're leaving here and move to another place to stay.But I must say I still prefer here
*sad :(
This is our travelling car.Although it is not a chio car,but still it quite comfortable.

Look at this huge lol lol

Then,we went to a super small choc factory. I am happy when i saw a X'mas tree.Weeeeeeeeee :D

My saliva is dripping.The choc n also the ice-cream.Nom nom nom =p

Me & my uncle.Don't play play he is Elle hair saloon boss u know *show off wahahahaXD

Then,we went picnic at a random petrol station. Look at the oyster!!!waaasehh


This pic is fugly,but i dun care.Shut up!!! waahahaha

This is the chips who accompany us for the whole Perth trip.I miss u Chips!!! ♥

We reach the new appartment stay.Don't quite like this place
no free wifi ,can't make much noise & it's much more EXPENSIVE!!!! no good no good....

Dinner time :-

it's Oyster again. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,
no oyster no's so damn fresh & nice :))

Recommended dessert.Yummeh.
Thumbs Up!!! I think this name 'Sticky pudding' it taste Awesome.

Beer for
The adults is trying to test how many alcohol can we hold.
me & my elder bro
me & my cousin
Time to sleep -.-z zZ it's so cold at that night.Everyone is like freezing
.hiak hiakThat's all for the
Day5.Stay tunned for the last day.Night readers :D